Please fill out a Connect Card located at the Welcome Center to help us better know how we can be of help to you and your family.
Here are some answers to the most FAQ:
- What is it like? We are a multi generational church at loves God! Our worship is blended with praise and worship as well as some hymns.
- What about my kids? We have a staffed nursery as well as a children's service. Babies/toddlers can be dropped off before service at the nursey in the lower level. Kids will be dismissed after worship to their class with the teacher.
- Where do I park? Feel free to park close as a visitor in our parking lot. If the lot is full we are allowed to use the gravel lot or the high school lot.
- What do I wear? Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable. We are not super formal. You will see some dressed up but you will also see many people dressed casually.
- How can I get connected? Connect cards will help us direct you so please fill one out! You can also visit our website for lots of information.